Setting up taxes
Set up taxes to choose the tax percentage and apply them to the goods. To set up taxes:
Go to Settings → General in your management console.
In the Management settings section check Use taxes.
Save your progress.
💡 Here in Poster we have two types of taxes: Value-added and On turnover. Use them to account the total price of the dishes and products with tax included.
Product’s price with VAT calculates as follows:
price with VAT = price without tax × (1 + tax percent / 100).
Sum of On turnover tax is already included to the product price and calculates as follows:
On turnover tax = price × tax percent / 100
☝️ Tax sum would account of total receipt sum with discount.
Applying taxes to dishes and products
Apply created taxes to products or dishes:
Go to Menu → Products/Dishes in the management console.
Click Edit next to a product or a dish.
In the Tax field select your tax from the drop-down list.
Save your progress.
💡 To apply taxes faster:
Go to Menu → Products and dish categories and
Click Edit next to the dish category you need.
In the Tax field select a tax from the drop-down list. It will be applied to all the products and dishes in this category.
Start selling dishes at the POS register. Once sold Poster accumulates tax amounts in Reports → Taxes and Reports → Receipts by clicking Details there.
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