Add a transaction on the register when you put or take cash from the cash drawer. There are three types of transactions in Poster: expense, income and safe drop.
Expense is the cost of the electricity used, rent or salaries.
Income is a deposit of cash to the cash drawer.
Safe drop is a transfer of daily proceeds between “Cash drawer” and “Safe deposit” account.
To add a transaction on the register:
Click ≡ at the upper right corner of the screen and select Add transaction.
Select a type of transaction: Expense, Income or Safe drop.
Enter the transaction amount and write a comment.
Select a transaction Category available at POS.
Click Done.
💡 You can view all transactions that were added on the register or in the management console in Finances → Transactions.
☝️ If you add a transaction on the register, it will be automatically assigned to the “Cash shift” category. You can change category in Finances → Cash shifts in the management console. Click on the cash shift to view expense and income
💡 To make your transaction categories available on the POS:
Go to the Finances → Categories tab in the management console.
Enable Display on the POS next to the category.
Restart the Poster POS app to apply changes.
Go to ≡ → Add transaction to select a transaction category, type, and sum.